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home appraisal services plano tx

Work With a Professional Real Estate Appraiser in Plano, TX

Do you want to know the price you can buy or sell a home in the current market? I can help.

I’m Wayne Whited, a professional real estate appraiser in Plano, TX. My goal is to provide an unbiased estimate of the value of your home and guide you throughout the process of getting your property appraised. In addition to being knowledgeable about real estate trends and practices, I know how to interpret data related to sales prices, income levels, and taxes paid within specific geographic areas. You can count on me to ensure you feel comfortable with your appraisal experience. With my assistance, you get all the information you need before making any decisions about your property’s value and future use.

real estate appraisal plano tx

Find Out Your Home’s Worth

My role as your real estate appraiser is to determine the fair market value of your home. I can do this by comparing the home with similar homes in the area, using data on recent sales, or by comparing it to other types of property recently sold.

I offer property appraisals, home appraisals, and divorce appraisals. All of them are performed to determine the real value of your home in today’s market. Once I complete the appraisal, you’ll feel confident knowing that the property was valued accurately. You can use the valuation as a benchmark for future sales or purchases! If you’d like to learn more about how my real estate appraisal services can help, consider reaching out today. I assist clients in Plano, TX, and the surrounding areas.

Would You Like to Schedule an Appointment?
Reach Out Today!

Work Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sat - Sun: By Appointment

Contact an Expert

I aim to provide you with the best service at an affordable price. Contact me today if you have any questions about my appraisal services or would like to schedule an appointment.

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